2022 Panels

With Scott Dorward, Newman, Matthew Dawkins and Jason Fryer

Come and join some industry veterans in this unique Q&A on tips for running Horror scenarios. You get an opportunity to ask questions on topics like "How to deal with Technology in Modern Day?" or even "What are some tips for keeping a session spooky and serious?". Since the genre of horror can span lifetimes or centuries, what are key points one needs to consider when creating his evening of game-play? Our panelists will answer your questions on how to tackle concerns you might have in your next game, so join us to explore what we all can improve to make the story more immersive.

Scott Dorward


Matthew Dawkins

Jason Fryer

Risk mitigation in horror RPGs for GMs and players

With Seth Skorkowsky and Jacqueline Bryk

Due to technical difficulties - this panel discussion is currently being reworked and we will update our channel as soon as we are confident with the results.

As with any RPG, these shared stories can be an epic fantasy or a "terrifying" horrific time. The horror genre usually needs to use devices such as safety tools, content warnings and pre-game discussions. These are implemented to have a safe time at the gaming table with your players. Since we all have topics that creep under our skin, be mindful that others have other areas of discomfort. Determining the best way to implement these pre-game tools, and structure your game, while ensuring all your players feel comfortable will be some of the topics we will cover with our guests.

Seth Skorkowsky

Jacqueline Bryk

With Scott Dorward, Seth Skorkowsky, Jacqueline Bryk, Newman and Jason Fryer

"I got writer's block!", "I have no idea where to start? "Hhhhmmmm, I wonder how to make this scarier?", "Do I include this scene in the scenario for the horror, the game, or the players - who actually benefits from this scene?"....These are some questions you may encounter in your attempt to Start/Write any form of horror story. Pose your questions to these Icons of Horror and Mystery to get some answers and best practices to help you in your Horror story creations!

Scott Dorward

Seth Skorkowsky

Jacqueline Bryk


Jason Fryer

with John Sumrow

Come and join artist/creator John Sumrow as he takes suggestions from the audience in a one-of-a-kind artistic creation! He will take your suggestions and incorporate them into a work of art!

John Sumrow

The Commandments are creative and philosophical principles that are the foundation for creating material for KULT: Divinity Lost. They are created as a guidelines and tools for creators if they want to tell stories or write sourcebeook material in the KULT setting. The seminar will be a presentation of the commandments, why they were created and also open up for questions and talk around them.

Petter Nallo

With  Jason Fryer and Petter Nallo

"What was your drive for this setting?" or "Did you foresee how the system would evolve when you first sat together and played the session zero?", are possibly some of the questions you might have about this fantastic accumulation of panelists in this event. 

Join this panel to ask questions to the Original and Current KULT creators/Developers/Authors that have brought KULT to where it is today and get their take on how they have seen the evolution of KULT in the horror RPG genre!

Jason Fryer

Petter Nallo

Magnus Seter

With Jacqueline Bryk, Seth Skorkowsky, Matthew Sanderson, Jason Fryer and Petter Nallo

The Veil, The Illusion, The Archons, The Death Angels, Limbo, The Dream Lands, Inferno, Metropolis, are names everyone who has played or GMed KULT has heard before or even used in their shared stories. How do these elements interact in a story and affect the players?

Jacqueline Bryk

Seth Skorkowsky

Matthew Sanderson

Jason Fryer

Petter Nallo